Today I'm sharing a combination that I love: jewelry and giving back. In honor of Giving Tuesday, I'm sharing 15 companies that do more than just sell fashionable jewelry - they help the world. Below are places that you can purchase beautiful bracelets, necklaces, and more, as well as leave an impact on those in need.
The Giving Keys was created to help combat homelessness in Los Angeles. Through their company, jobs are provided to those transitioning out of homelessness. Not only do they offer jobs, but a community through volunteering, mentorship, and friendship.
Instagram: @thegivingkeys
With Alex and Ani's ever growing popularity, they've found a way to give back to different charities around the world. With limited edition charity bracelets, you can choose the cause you'd like to support. When you purchase your bracelet, Alex and Ani will give a percentage of profit to that charity. It's as simple as that!
Instagram: @alexandani
828 Movement is a non-profit organization that supports education in underfunded schools. Each bracelet tells a story of equality, honoring the Past, Present, and Future. With each sale, 100% of the proceeds go to schools across the United States.
Instagram: @828movement
Satya Jewelry created their own charity, the Satya Foundation, to help children in need. Through their foundation, they donate proceeds of their sales to the Manjushree Orphanage, Ramana's Garden, Bent on Learning, and Ashrams for Autism.
Instagram: @satyajewelry
Nintaanzi sells traditional Mala necklaces to support indigenous Ashaninka artisan women. They also donate 20% of their annual sales to causes related to the environment, sanitation, education, children, and women in Peru.
Instagram: @nintaanzi
Each product purchased through MudLOVE provides 1 week of safe, clean water to someone in need. MudLOVE partnered with Water for Good to help transform the Central African Republic. Water for Good is the only well-drilling operation in the entire country of CAR, allowing in-need villages the opportunity to maintain a clean water source.
Instagram: @mudlove

Instagram: @annabeckdesigns
The Caliber Collection was built to help fund gun buyback and amnesty programs. Their jewelry is created using serial numbers from illegal guns and metal from shell casings recovered from these programs. The Caliber Foundation helps citizens in Newark, Detroit, Miami, Hartford, and the San Francisco Bay Area to create safer communities.
Instagram: @calibercollection
Article22 is really unique. The jewelry sold is made from Peacebombs from contaminated land in Laos. They've partnered with Mines Advisory Group and Legacies of War to clear UXO to repurpose into charitable jewelry, as well as donate 10% to the village development fund.
Instagram: @article_22
Soko utilizes its supply chain to increase the income of marginalized artisans in the developing world. Utilizing an online app, the company connects talented artists to global economies, who otherwise would be limited to local sales. With each purchase, you're helping artisans in the developing world retain 25-35% revenue, as opposed to the industry standard of 2-3%.
Instagram: @shopsoko
Bird + Stone is unique in the way that it gives back. Currently, the company supports organizations in 6 areas: 1) Women in Politics; 2) Stop Sexual Violence; 3) Poverty; 4) Climate; 5) Girls' Education; and 6) Women's Health. Each cause has different items you can purchase to donate to each partnered charity.
Instagram: @birdandstone
Half United's mission is to combat hunger. With every purchase, 7 meals are donated to Haitians and Americas. At the end of every month, Half United also donates to their giving partners, including The Food Bank, Mother Hubbards Cupboard, Haiti Made, and Elevating Ministries.
Instagram: @halfunited
There are 10 charities that Chavez for Charity supports. Each collection, denoted by a different color, gives to different causes. With every sale, the company donates 25% of the profits to the corresponding charity. These include: Blue - Safe Water; Black - Hunger; Brown - Animals; Green - Environment; Gold - Veterans; Pink - Breast Cancer; Purple - Women; Multi - Equal Rights; Red - HIV/AIDS; and Yellow - Children.
Instagram: @chavezforcharity
Noonday Collection is all about helping children and families. Their main objective is to help keep families together in developing areas, as well as help fund adoption, as they believe all children belong in families.
Instagram: @noondaycollection
One Happy Leaf partnered with Trees for the Future to plant trees in poverty-stricken areas. Each purchase you make from their site plants a tree, providing crops to impoverished communities. To-date, they've planted over 11,000 trees, with the goal of 1 million trees by 2023.
Instagram: @onehappyleaf
Enjoy shopping while having an impact this Giving Tuesday!
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