The True Meaning of Easter

by Lavender Elizabeth, April 19, 2017
This weekend, I spent time reflecting on Easter through three key verses: Isaiah 53:5, Matthew 28:6a, and Romans 8:11. One of the items on my April To Do List is to remember the true meaning of Easter. I wanted a tangible way to do this, so I chose to study and reflect on the Word. To me, these verses represent the power of Easter and what it symbolizes for us as believers.

Isaiah 53:5 "But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed."

My Reflection: This verse documents what Christ did for us and what it cost him. He was beaten and persecuted for the sins that we committed. He was utterly perfect, but in those moments before his death, he felt the complete imperfect reality of man. The last part of this verse is what really stands out to me - "By his wounds we are healed." I can't fathom that kind of love. He was willing to bleed, hurt, and ultimately die so that we could be healed. That's true, selfless, overwhelming love.

Matthew 28:6a "He is not here; he has risen, just as he said."

My Reflection: Matthew 28:6 celebrates the true reason for Easter - He has risen. This is what God-power is. Jesus was beaten and hung from a cross, yet He came back whole to fulfill his promise. By rising, God showed the power and healing of His Spirit. In Matthew 17:23 and Luke 9:22, Jesus predicts his resurrection. This was the final act in saving the world. By rising on the third day, He has saved us. How incredible is the Spirit!?

Romans 8:11 "And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of his Spirit who lives in you."

My Reflection: This verse explains what the resurrection means for us. The Spirit that was so strong it rose Jesus from the dead has been given to us. As believers, we are granted the Holy Spirit. It's a strong force that, through faith, lives in us. If the Spirit was so strong it resurrected Christ, imagine what it can do for us in this new life!


By reflecting on these verses, I was able to remember why I celebrate Easter. Although the Easter egg hunt and visit from the "Easter Bunny" is something I love doing with my family, it's not why I celebrate. I celebrate because God sent his only Son to live out a perfect life here on Earth, only to die for the Earth that persecuted Him. The love that God and the Son has for you and me is seen on the cross. Through the resurrection, we are forever saved.

I hope that everyone had a wonderful Easter weekend, and that you, too, spent time thanking the Lord for His sacrifice.
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